Principal's Weekly Letters 2/14/25
Principal's weekly letter 2/14/25
Dear Families,
I want to wish everyone a Happy Valentine's Day and a wonderful Mid Winter Break. Reminder school will be closed the week of February 17th until 21st. We will reopen on February 24th.
This week there was an increase of students arriving late and requesting to eat breakfast. This is a reminder that breakfast starts at 7:30am to 8:00 am. In addition we are starting to see an increase of students misplacing their jackets, coats and personal belongings. Reminder all personal belongings must be carried with students throughout the day.
I am excited to announce that our ELA and Math before and after school enrichment programs will start to take place on March 4th and end on April 11th. The Program runs for 6 weeks. ELA enrichment classes will meet on Tuesdays and Thursday morning from 7:00 AM- 8:00 AM and Thursday afternoon from 2:30-4:30 PM. Math enrichment classes will meet on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings from 7:00-8:00 a.m. and Wednesday afternoon from 2:30-4:30 p.m. The Enrichment Program is designed to help students prepare for either the ELA or Math State Exam. Your child will meet with an ELA or Math teacher once a week after school to practice going over test taking strategies and review state exams from the past years. This is a voluntary program and not mandatory. In order to participate, permission slips must be returned to your child ELA or Math teacher. Classes are formed on a first come, first serve basis and there is not a guarantee of a class after this date.
This past weekend I.S. 230 was fortunate to have 7 young musicians: Odhiti D, Jennifer K, Severin C, Alisha G, Paola B, Matilda P and Maite M participate in the NYSSMA Zone 12 Junior Area All State Festival held at Forest Hills High School. The festival brings together 490 middle school students from 44 schools from all over New York City. They worked hard to prepare their parts and then came together for a weekend of Music. They rehearsed with renowned guest conductors to put together a concert in just two days. We are proud of all your hard work and dedication.
Our P.TA is conducting a February Fundraiser in conjunction with Elements Pizzeria. On Tuesdays and Fridays for the month of February Anyone ordering pizza from Elements on those days must tell them that they are from I.S. 230, and then the pizzeria will donate 10% back to the PTA. Note: Orders can only be made via phone/in-person and must be picked up in-person as well (no delivery, unfortunately).
On February 24th Make the Road New York is providing our school community with a Know Your Rights Immigration Workshop. The workshop will be in English with Spanish translation. To learn more about Make The Road New York please visit their website:
The Miracle Morning Family Workshop is a 5-session series designed to help families build practical and effective systems to improve their relationships and daily functioning.
Session 2 will be held on 2/25 at 5:30pm in English and 7:00 pm in Spanish. It is intended for parents, caregivers, and children to attend as a family in order to learn why establishing family values is important and how to create them together. Please bring a paper and writing utensil for each family member attending. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Melo at
English Session:
Meeting ID: 972 9668 3066
Passcode: 110086
Spanish Session:
Meeting ID: 912 6578 7082
Passcode: 575315
Summer Rising New York City Public Schools (NYCPS) is looking forward to partnering with the Department of Youth and Community Development (DYCD) once again for Summer Rising 2025. Summer Rising connects elementary and middle school students to fun, hands-on experiences that strengthen their academic, social, and emotional skills. Summer Rising is free, and open to any NYC student currently in kindergarten through grade 8.
Grades 6–8: • The program will run from July 2 to August 8, 2025, Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Students will be provided with free breakfast and lunch. Programming will include academics led by NYCPS staL and enrichment activities held by DYCD Community Based Organizations (CBOs).
Summer Rising MySchools Application The application will open on March 4, and close March 28, 2025. As in 2024, families can apply for Summer Rising online using MySchools, our online directory and application system. To apply, log in to (if you already have a MySchools account you do not need to create a new one). Your MySchools account, used for admissions, is diLerent from the NYC Schools Account (NYCSA) that you may use to access your child’s health forms and update emergency contact information.
Community and Citywide Education Council Elections 2025 If you’re interested in helping shape policies and priorities that will aLect the education of City students, consider joining an education council! Parents can apply to run for the 2025–2027 term until Sunday, February 16, 2025. Applications are completed via your NYC Schools Account ( and only take 5–10 minutes to complete! Review the Eligibility Checklist, Elections Guide, and FAQ on for more information about who can run for a seat on each council. To complete your application, you’ll need to create a New York City Schools Account (NYCSA) in your name. You will also use your NYCSA to vote for the candidates for your district, so it’s important to be prepared by creating your account now—learn how at
IS230 Basketball Update
Our boys team played IS 141. They left everything on the court but ended up losing with a final score of 44-14. Our boys team now holds a record of 3-8. Our girls team played IS 141 and came up short with a final score of 34-29. Our girls team is 7-2 and have qualified for the playoffs. Only parents of the team members are allowed to watch the game based on league rules.
A PTA donation letter was sent home with the students. We are currently asking for your help in donating time and/or money. There is no monetary amount and parents are free to donate whatever they are able to do so. You can bring your donations to the main office located in the main/annex building and place them in the PTA donation box or you can make a deposit.
You can donate in 2 ways:
- Hand deliver a donation to the main office of both buildings, with the envelope addressed to the PTA.
- Or you can mail in a donation to the school @ IS 230Q, Attn: PTA, 73-10 34th Ave, Jackson Heights, NY 11372
If submitting a check donation, please make it payable to: Magnet School for Civics in the Community. Thank you for your time, dedication and investment to I.S. 230Q.
Emergency Preparedness
No drills were completed this week
Teen Mental Health
NYC Teenspace, an innovative online therapy platform tailored to provide accessible and confidential mental health support for NYC teenagers aged 13-17. This program is funded by the NYC Health Department, powered by Talkspace. NYC Teenspace offers a safe space for teens to connect with licensed therapists through convenient digital channels such as messaging, video sessions, and live chats. The platform aims to empower adolescents, providing them with a platform to discuss their concerns, navigate challenges, and strengthen their mental wellness. To learn more about the program please read the parent we sent home on November 6, 2024, our website and or
February CRSE Corner
This month we are celebrating Black History Awareness Month. Every February, the U.S. honors the contributions and sacrifices of African Americans who have helped shape the nation. Black History Month celebrates the rich cultural heritage, triumphs and adversities that are an indelible part of our country ' s history. Look out for the celebration during your lunch period on February 27th and 28th
Restorative Practices
One of our newest and biggest initiatives this year is rolling out Homeroom. Homeroom will take place from 8:00 to 8:20 a.m. every morning. Homeroom is mandatory and part of your child’s school day. The purpose of Homeroom is to provide a space for our staff and students to take attendance, conduct announcements and most importantly an opportunity to connect with their peers in a meaningful way before starting the day. We are utilizing the MorningSide Cultural Affirming Wheel as our framework. To learn more about Restorative Practices and Morningside, please visit the link below.
Important Upcoming Dates
February 17-23, 2025- NO School Mid Winter Break
February 24, 2025- Make the Road New York City- Know your rights
February 25, 2025- Miracle Morning Virtual Workshop @ 5:00 p.m and 7:00 p.m (Spanish)
February 27, 2025- CRSE Celebration Lunch Periods (Main)
February 28, 2025- Spirit Day: CRSE Celebration Lunch Periods (Annex)
February 28, 2025- End of Marking Period
We look forward to improving communication and relationships here at IS230.
Please visit our website and our Social Media Handles to get more information and sign up for E-Chalk Notification.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Mr. Ajith Satyanarayana