
  • Virtual Parent Workshop

    Creating your Family Goals
    English 5pm
    Spanish 7pm

    I.S. 230
  • In Person Family Financial Education Workshop

    English 6pm

    Spanish 7pm

    School Main Building

    I.S. 230
  • Virtual Parent Teacher Conference

    Afternoon 12:20-2:20pm
    Evening  5m-8pm

    I.S. 230
  • Students dismissal at 11:20am

    I.S. 230
  • MP2 Report Cards available in the NYCSA

    I.S. 230
View Monthly Calendar


  • Principal's Weekly Letters 3/7/25

    Principal's weekly letter 3/7/25

    March 7, 2025

    Dear Families,

    I hope all is well. On Friday, March 7th AFTER 3pm, parents will be able to sign up for our Virtual Parent Teacher Conferences. We will be using PTC Wizard to sign up for appointments and ZOOM to conduct the meetings.  For more information visit the Parent Teacher Conference Page on the school website ( under Parent support. Here is the link:

    Our Virtual Parent Teacher Conference will be on March 13th. Conferences will take place from 12:20 p.m. until 2:20 p.m. and from 5:00pm to 8:00 p.m. Meet virtually with your child's teachers to go over their progress for Marking Period 2. On March 13th, our school day will be periods  Homeroom, 1,2,3 and 8,  students will be dismissed at 11:20 a.m. The end of Marking Period 2 is March 13th and report cards will be available on Mar. 13th in the NYC Schools Account ( All after school programs will be canceled on this day.

    The 2025 NYC School Survey is officially open.  Every year Students, Parent and Teachers fill out the survey.  The survey provides valuable information on what we are doing well at IS230 and what we can do to improve. You can fill out a paper version of the survey or you can do it online.  Last year we had 44% of parents complete the 2023-24 survey. Our hope is to improve that number this year.  For more information please see the letter that was sent home and emailed to all families on March 3rd.

    8th grade families starting On March 11th the Department of Education will be holding High School Offers information session virtual workshops.  The workshops will focus on how high school offers were made, how the waitlist works, and next steps.  A question and answer session will follow the presentations. Please click on the link linked here or visit the following website for more information.

    On March 11th we are hosting a Financial Education Workshop for families which will be conducted byAmerica’s Pride.  The workshop will focus on building a strong financial foundation for the future.

    We kicked off our March Madness Attendance Initiative. Research shows that students who attend school regularly have been shown to achieve at higher levels than students who do not have regular attendance. Every day that a student arrives at school on time will receive a raffle ticket to be eligible to win a prize each week.  The weekly prizes range from Dunkin Donut Gift Cards to Family Four Pack of Movie Tickets.  The grand prize on each grade level is a $100 Amazon gift card. To be eligible for the grand prize students must be on time 100% and have zero absences for the Month of March.

    The application for NYC Public Schools Spring Break STEM Camp/Program K- 8 is now open. Please share with as many students/families as possible. It's free and there are some really unique places that the kids have an opportunity to learn from.

    On March 12th our guidance counselors will be holding a workshop to learn more about summer rising and help interested families to sign up. Summer Rising New York City Public Schools (NYCPS) is looking forward to partnering with the Department of Youth and Community Development (DYCD) once again for Summer Rising 2025. Summer Rising connects elementary and middle school students to fun, hands-on experiences that strengthen their academic, social, and emotional skills. Summer Rising is free, and open to any NYC student currently in kindergarten through grade 8.

    Grades 6–8: • The program will run from July 2 to August 8, 2025, Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Students will be provided with free breakfast and lunch. Programming will include academics led by NYCPS staL and enrichment activities held by DYCD Community Based Organizations (CBOs).

    Summer Rising MySchools Application The application will open on March 4, and close March 28, 2025. As in 2024, families can apply for Summer Rising online using MySchools, our online directory and application system. To apply, log in to (if you already have a MySchools account you do not need to create a new one). Your MySchools account, used for admissions, is diLerent from the NYC Schools Account (NYCSA) that you may use to access your child’s health forms and update emergency contact information.

    IS230 Basketball Update

     Our girls team played IS141 in the first round of the playoffs. Our girls played hard on both sides of the ball and came away with a  victory of a final score of 37-29 .  Our girls team has a record of  9-2 and have qualified for the 2nd round of the playoffs.  Only parents of the team members are allowed to watch the game based on league rules. 

    A PTA donation letter was sent  home with the students. We are currently asking for your help in donating time and/or money. There is no monetary amount and parents are free to donate whatever they are able to do so. You can bring your donations to the main office located in the main/annex  building and place them in the PTA donation box or you can make a deposit.

    You can donate in 2 ways:

    - Hand deliver a donation to the main office of both buildings, with the envelope addressed to the PTA.

    - Or you can mail in a donation to the school @  IS 230Q, Attn: PTA, 73-10 34th Ave, Jackson Heights, NY 11372

    If submitting a check donation, please make it payable to: Magnet School for Civics in the Community. Thank you for your time, dedication and investment to I.S. 230Q.

     Emergency Preparedness

    No drills were completed this week.

    Teen Mental Health

     NYC Teenspace, an innovative online therapy platform tailored to provide accessible and confidential mental health support for NYC teenagers aged 13-17. This program is funded by the NYC Health Department, powered by Talkspace. NYC Teenspace offers a safe space for teens to connect with licensed therapists through convenient digital channels such as messaging, video sessions, and live chats. The platform aims to empower adolescents, providing them with a platform to discuss their concerns, navigate challenges, and strengthen their mental wellness.  To learn more about the program please read the parent we sent home on November 6, 2024, our website and or

    March CRSE Corner

    This month  our CR-SE focus is Women’s History Month. This month-long celebration is to commemorate and encourage the study, observance, and celebration of the vital role of women in history.  Please visit the website below for more information and for resources to use in the classroom. Look out for the celebration during the student lunch periods on March 27th in the Main and March 28th in the Annex.

    Restorative Practices

     One of our newest and biggest initiatives this year is rolling out Homeroom. Homeroom will take place from 8:00 to 8:20 a.m. every morning.  Homeroom is mandatory and  part of your child’s school day. The purpose of Homeroom is to provide a space for our staff and students to take attendance, conduct announcements and most importantly an opportunity to connect with their peers in a meaningful way before starting the day.  We are utilizing the MorningSide Cultural Affirming Wheel as our framework.  To learn more about Restorative Practices and Morningside, please visit the link below.

    Important Upcoming Dates

    March 11 , 2025- In person Family Financial Education Workshop @ 6:00 p.m (English) and 7:00 p.m (Spanish)

    March 12, 2025- Summer Rising In Person Presentation and Sign Up Workshop @ 5:30 p.m

    March 13, 2025- Virtual Parent Teacher Conferences 12:20-2:20 and 5:00-8:00 p.m

    March 14, 2025-  P.I Day

    We look forward to improving communication and relationships here at IS230.

    Please visit our website and our Social Media Handles to get more information and sign up for E-Chalk Notification.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

    Mr. Ajith Satyanarayana


    I.S. 230
  • New York City School Parent Survey

    RE: 2025 NYC School Survey

    Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s):

    The 2025 NYC School Survey was sent with your child today Monday, March 3rd. Each year, all parents, teachers, and students in grades 6-12 take the NYC School Survey.  

    1. Please make sure that you complete the survey right away and send it back to school with your child tomorrow in the sealed envelope.
    2. If you prefer to take the survey online, click here

    Families completing the survey online should go to the NYC School Survey website 

    (NYC, enter the letter “f” (lowercase) followed by their student’s nine-digit OSIS number, and complete the survey (example f123456789).
                Students can find the OSIS number on the report card, student ID card or their NYCSA account.

    1. Please remember to do one of the following:
      1. Print off the final THANK YOU submission page
      2. Have your child submit a digital picture our Parent coordinator at
      3. Write a hand written letter verifying submission and return to the homeroom teacher

    Proof of completion of the survey (returned sealed envelope or as stated above) 6th Grade students may earn community service hours in their Social Studies/Civics class for facilitating the completion of the 2025 NYC School parent survey.
    Other school wide incentives will be shared on our school website.

    We thank you for your continued support. 


    Ajith Satyanarayana


    RE: Encuesta escolar de la ciudad de Nueva York de 2025

    Estimados Padres/Tutores:

    La Encuesta Escolar de la Ciudad de Nueva York 2025 fue enviada con su hijo/a hoy dia Lunes, Marzo 3. Cada año, todos los padres, maestros y estudiantes de los grados 6-12 participan en la Encuesta Escolar de la Ciudad de Nueva York.  

    1. Por favor, asegúrese de completar la encuesta de inmediato y enviarla de vuelta a la escuela con su hijo mañana en el sobre sellado.
    2. Si prefiere realizar la encuesta en línea, haga clic aquí

    Las familias que completen la encuesta en línea deben ir al sitio web de la Encuesta Escolar de la Ciudad de Nueva York 

    ( de Nueva York), introduzca la letra "f" (minúsculas) seguido del número OSIS de nueve dígitos de su estudiante, y complete la encuesta (ejemplo f123456789).  Los estudiantes pueden encontrar el número de OSIS en la boleta de calificaciones, la tarjeta de identificación de estudiante o su cuenta de NYCSA. (en inglés)

    1. Recuerde realizar una de las siguientes acciones:
      1. Imprima la página final de envío de AGRADECIMIENTO
      2. Pida a su hijo/a que envíe una foto digital a nuestro coordinador de padres en
      3. Escribir una carta escrita a mano verificando la entrega y devuélvala al maestro de aula

    Comprobante de finalización de la encuesta (sobre sellado devuelto o como se indicó anteriormente) Los estudiantes de 6º grado pueden
    ganar horas de servicio comunitario en su clase de Estudios Sociales/Educación Cívica para facilitar la realización de la encuesta de padres de la Escuela de la Ciudad de Nueva York de 2025.
    Otros incentivos para toda la escuela se compartirán en nuestro sitio web escolar.

    Le agradecemos su continuo apoyo. 


    Ajit Satyanarayana


    I.S. 230
  • School Calendars 2024-2025

    September Calendar 2024

    October Calendar 2024

    November Calendar 2024

    December Calendar 2024

    January 2025

    February 2025

    March 2025


    I.S. 230
  • Applying Now for Exciting STEM Spring Break Enrichment Program

    Apply Now for Exciting STEM Spring Break Enrichment Programs!

    What’s your spring break destination? K–8 students can apply now to STEM Matters NYC enrichment programs.
    Choose from a wide range of programs at amazing destinations throughout the five boroughs!
    Get your hands dirty in nature, encounter amazing animals, or design an art or engineering project.
    Students will meet and work with field experts in programs that feature real-world learning experiences. 

    Programs are offered at: NYC Center for Aerospace and Applied Mathematics; Intrepid Museum;
    MakerSpace NYC; New York Aquarium; New York Botanical Garden; Prospect Park Zoo;
    Queens Botanical Garden; Queens County Farm Museum; Queens Zoo; Rocking the Boat; Salvadori Center;
    Snug Harbor Cultural Center & Botanical Garden; Sound Collective; Staten Island MakerSpace; Staten Island Museum; Staten Island Zoo; and UrbanGlass.

    Don’t miss out, spots are limited, and the application deadline is Sunday, March 9.
    Preference is given to students who attend Title I schools. Learn more and apply now. For questions, contact


    ¡Solicite ahora emocionantes programas de enriquecimiento para las vacaciones de primavera en STEM!

    ¿Cuál es tu destino de vacaciones de primavera? Los estudiantes de K-8 pueden postularse ahora a los programas de enriquecimiento de STEM Matters NYC.
    ¡Elija entre una  en destinos increíbles en los cinco condados!
    Ensúciate las manos en la naturaleza, encuentra animales increíbles o diseña un proyecto de arte o ingeniería.
    Los estudiantes conocerán y trabajarán con expertos de campo en programas que presentan experiencias de aprendizaje del mundo real.

    Los programas se ofrecen en: el Centro de Matemáticas Aplicadas y Aeroespaciales de la Ciudad de Nueva York;
    Museo Intrépido; MakerSpace Nueva York; Acuario de Nueva York; Jardín Botánico de Nueva York; Zoológico de Prospect Park;
    Jardín Botánico de Queens; Museo Agrícola del Condado de Queens; Zoológico de Queens; Balanceando el barco;
    Centro Salvadorí; Centro Cultural y Jardín Botánico Snug Harbor; Colectivo Sonido; Espacio Maker de Staten Island; Museo de Staten Island; Zoológico de Staten Island; y Vidrio Urbano.

    No se lo pierda, las plazas son limitadas y la fecha límite para presentar la solicitud es el domingo 9 de marzo.
    Se da preferencia a los estudiantes que asisten a escuelas de Título I. Obtenga más información y presente su solicitud ahora. Si tiene preguntas, comuníquese con

    I.S. 230
  • Summer Rising MySchools Application

    Summer Rising MySchools Application

    The application will open on March 4, and close March 28, 2025. As in 2024, families can apply for Summer Rising
    online using MySchools, our online directory and application system.

    To apply, log in to (if you already have a MySchools account you do not need to create a new one).
    Your MySchools account, used for admissions, is diLerent from the NYC Schools Account (NYCSA) that you may
    use to access your child’s health forms and update emergency contact information.

    If you have applied to Summer Rising, 3-K/Pre-K programs, or NYCPS schools using MySchools before, your child
    may already be added to your account. If you do not have a MySchools account, you can create one at using your email address, your child’s 9-digit student ID number and a MySchools account
    creation code, which you can get by contacting your child's school.

    Families can list as many programs as they would like on their application; we recommend that you list as many

     Programs as possible to increase the likelihood of being placed in a program of your choice.

    This process is not first-come, first-served; all applications received by the deadline will be treated the same.
    Families may make changes to their application at any point within the application period.

    If you have any questions or need support with the application, please visit our website at, contact your school, or email

    La solicitud de Summer Rising en MySchools

    La solicitud abrirá el 4 de marzo y cerrará el 28 de marzo de 2025. A 2024, las familias pueden solicitar el ingreso a
    Summer Rising a través de MySchools, nuestro directorio y sistema de solicitud de ingreso por internet.
    Para solicitar el ingreso, ingrese a (si ya tiene una cuenta de MySchools no necesita crear una
    nueva). Su cuenta de MySchools, que se usa para el proceso de admisión, es diferente a su cuenta NYC Schools
    (NYC Schools Account, NYCSA), la cual usted puede acceder a los formularios de salud de su hijo y actualizar la
    información de la tarjeta de contactos para emergencias.

    Si solicitó el ingreso a los programas de Summer Rising, 3-K, prekínder o a los programas del Sistema de Escuelas
    Públicas de la Ciudad de Nueva York (NYC Public Schools, NYCPS) anteriormente través de MySchools, su hijo
    puede que ya haya sido agregado a su cuenta. SI todavía no tiene una cuenta de MySchools, puede crear una en usando su correo electrónico, el número de identificación estudiantil de 9 dígitos de su hijo y el
    código de creación de cuenta de MySchools, el cual puede obtener en la escuela de su hijo.

    Las familias pueden incluir todos los programas que deseen en la solicitud, y les recomendamos que clasifiquen
    el mayor número de programas posible para aumentar las probabilidades de recibir un cupo en un programa de su

    La admisión no es por orden de llegada. Todas las solicitudes recibidas dentro del plazo serán tratadas de la
    misma manera. Las familias pueden hacer modificaciones a la solicitud en cualquier momento hasta que cierre el
    período de solicitud de ingreso.

    Si tiene alguna pregunta o necesita ayuda con la solicitud, visite nuestro sitio web ,comuníquese con su escuela o envíe un correo electrónico a


    I.S. 230
  • Summary of Important Chancellor's Regulations for Parents

    Summary of Chancellor's Regulations A-210, A-413, A-831, A-832, Respect for all and The Discipline Code
    in English

    Resumen de la Disposicin del Canciller A-210, A-413, A-831, A832, Respeto por todos y El Codigo de disciplina
    en español

    Federal and state law requires the DOE and its schools to provide families with annual notices around the protection of student rights and privacy. 
    Please see the documents attached and links below for more information.

    Annual PPRA Notification ( in a new browser tab

    Annual FERPA Notification ( in a new browser tab

    Parents' Bill of Rights for Data Privacy and Security (

    Community Education Council for District 30 


    I.S. 230
  • Set up your child's NYCSA account

    The NYC Schools Account (NYCSA) Portal will allow you to:

    • See your students grades, test scores, attendance records, busing/transportation information, etc.
    • Take classes in Parent University
    • Access forms for your child
    • Reset your child's DOE account password
    • Access SupportHub
    • This account will remain with your child as long as they are apart of the NYC DOE School system, up until the 12th grade!

    All with one login!

    Visit to create an account.
    You will need your child's 9-digit student ID number and a unique account creation code. 

    Contact Mr. Salazar at for your code today!

    I.S. 230
  • Is230Q Instructional Goals 2024-2025

    Is230Q Instructional Goal 2024-2025

    2024-2025 Instructional Goals

    • 6-8W2 Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts,
      and information through the selection, organization and analysis of relevant content.

    2024-2025 Metas de Instrucción

    • 6-8W2 Escribir textos informativos/explicativos para examinar un tema y transmitir ideas,
       conceptos e información a través de la selección, organización y análisis de contenidos relevantes.
    I.S. 230
  • Lunch Form 2024-2025

    Lunch Form 

    September 2024

    Dear Parents & Guardians,

     Although lunch is free for NYC students, to assure the appropriate share of federal Title I funds are given to IS 230 for your child’s education, we still need you to complete a lunch form by September 23, 2024. 

     The Department of Education has changed the name of the form to the Family Income Inquiry Form.  It is now online at   You will need to enter the Zip Code for our school (11372) and then begin the application process.   

     The Family Income Inquiry Form will ask you to fill out basic information about your child and family income. It is very convenient to fill it out online. If you feel you will not qualify for free or reduced lunch you still need to fill out the form, just indicate it online.

     If you have any questions or need more information, please contact your child’s dean. 

    6th Grade: Mrs. Martinez

    7th Grade: Mr. Espinal

    8th Grade: Mrs. Neligan

    Thank you,

    Septiembre 2024 Estimados padres y tutores, Aunque el almuerzo es gratuito para los estudiantes de la Ciudad de Nueva York, para garantizar que se entregue la parte adecuada de los fondos federales del Título I a IS 230 para la educación de su hijo, aún necesitamos que complete un formulario de almuerzo antes del 23 de septiembre de 2024. El Departamento de Educación ha cambiado el nombre del formulario a Formulario de consulta de ingresos familiares. Ahora está en línea en Deberá ingresar el código postal de nuestra escuela (11372) y luego comenzar el proceso de solicitud. El Formulario de consulta de ingresos familiares le pedirá que complete información básica sobre su hijo y los ingresos familiares. Es muy conveniente completarlo en línea. Si cree que no calificará para recibir almuerzo gratis o a precio reducido, aún debe completar el formulario, simplemente indíquelo en línea. Si tiene alguna pregunta o necesita más información, comuníquese con el decano de su hijo. 6to Grado: Sra. Martínez 7mo grado: Sr. Espinal 8vo grado: Sra. Neligan Gracias, Ajith Satyana Rayana Principal


    I.S. 230
  • Supply List 2024-2025

    Supply List 2024-2025

    August 2024

    Suggested General Supply List

    4 Marble Composition Notebooks
    Loose-Leaf Filler Paper
    2 - 3 Highlighters
    Pens (Black or Blue please)
    Pencil Case (optional)
    3 - 4 Packages of Post-It Notes
    4 Pocket Folders
    USB Flash Drive
    Wired Headphones

    Subject teachers will provide information about any additional and necessary classroom
    supplies in September.

    I.S. 230
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Helpful Links / Social Media


       Google Classroomnyc schools accountnyc teach hub     facebook qr code            instagram qr code        

Contact Us

IS230Q MAIN Building (Grades 7-8)

73-10 34th Avenue, Jackson Heights, NY 11372 

Phone: (718) 335-7648


IS230Q  ANNEX Building (Grade 6)

74-03 34th Avenue, Jackson Heights, NY 11372

Phone: (718) 565-4560